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What is the decision-making process for an Owners Association?

Owners Associations have strict rules and regulations as how to conduct their affairs. The decision-making process is transparent and well-documented in the form of minutes of meetings, which shall detail the voting outcome for motions passed or not passed by the owners.

  • The Agenda

Owners discuss at the pre-schedule meeting, topics for discussion and agreement. Each agenda has a clear motion put forth regarding the topic for owners’ consideration or for matters for decision by the Board members. These decisions could include such matters as the selection of a contractor such as a cleaner, gardener; fire safety equipment servicing; or perhaps to consider a number of quotes to expend the funds to obtain an in depth building report by a specialist consultant to examine the forward budget forecast for the Reserve Funds minimum ten-year plan.

The agenda must be circulated to all owners at least 21 days in advance of the scheduled meeting date.


  • Meetings

There are several different types of meetings:

  • Annual General Assembly (AGA): Advance notice must be circulated 21 days in advance noting the time, date, venue and items for discussion on the agenda for the owners, plus minutes of previous meetings to be adopted as part of a true and accurate record, a report on the financial affairs of the Owners Association, election/nomination of Board members, appointment of an auditor, and the wording of any motions to be proposed for the decision/voting by the owners.
  • Extraordinary General Assembly (EGA): May be held on a request to the Owners Association service manager by the Board OR, if petitioned by (not less than 5% of units) of owners, can be convened by the Association manager and may include, for example, a clarification of confirmation of minutes, any item in a petition, items required by the Board, an item requested by an owner, or the wording of any motion passed. An EGA notice must be circulated 21 days in advance noting the time, date, venue and items for discussion on the agenda for the owners.
  • Board of Directors meeting: The Board shall meet as frequently as required and fulfill their function by ensuring the Owners Association carries out its duty and responsibilities.

Notices of a Board meeting must be circulated to Board members with at least 14 days’ advance notice stating the date, time, venue and items for discussion and agreement. Board meetings may be by electronic means.


  • Minutes

Minutes of meetings for Annual General Assemblies, Extraordinary General Assemblies and Board meetings are documented and circulated. At the following meeting the minutes of the last meeting form part of the record being accepted as a true and accurate record of decisions made at the prior meeting.


  • Motions

The process of decision-making involves a clear description of the topic, a clear statement of the suggested decision that is “the motion” for the proposed action, and an option for owners to vote YES or NO, either supporting or withholding their support for a proposed decision.





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